Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We just went to THE BEST acid base lecture EVER

No joke. I'm getting the slides from the lecturer, and I swear that after either Pramita or I give you this talk you will NEVER have a problem with acid base again EVER. For example, using this guys formula we figured out the following acid base problem in under 2 minutes. Can you? Email me or post to the "comments" if you think you have the answer. This is a man who has gotten IV amphotericin. I'll email you back either a "Right!" or a "Nope!". And no fair going to a computer. But I won't give the answer away until either Pramita or I give the lecture. And if you get a "Nope!" don't even THINK about arguing with me!

Na 125
Cl 100
HCO3 8
pH 7.07
pCO2 28
K+ 2.5

Stay tuned!

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